Wednesday, October 09, 2024

NIC: Encourage legislators to pass bill

| March 15, 2023 1:00 AM

A few days ago I felt like there was a beam of sunlight cutting through the dark cloud that has been hanging over our beloved community college for far too long. Rep. Lori McCann R-Lewiston and a member of the Idaho House Education Committee introduced a bill that could resolve the horrific situation that currently exists.

Simply put the bill grants the State Board of Education emergency authority over community colleges that face accreditation loss. The board would return control to the trustees after accreditation is restored and the college is in good standing and financially secure for two years. It is quite clear that the current trustees have no interest in resolving the issues that threaten accreditation and have cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars. They continue to make incomprehensible decisions and are unwilling to engage with the public and explain what is motivating them.

Without action from the Board of Education our college is doomed. Even more devastating is the response from our representatives to the board’s proposed solution. In particular Rep. Ron Mendive, R-Coeur d’Alene, “There is no appetite in North Idaho to anything even approaching this.”

That couldn’t be further from the truth. I have lived in Coeur d’Alene for more than 30 years and have seen the type of students who graduate from NIC. They are valued members of our community and provide essential services. Whether they learn a trade, become teachers or nurses they are instrumental in the workforce of our town.

I implore you all to contact your representatives and let them know the truth. That NIC is a valued part of our past and hopefully of our future. Please don’t allow this dysfunctional board to continue to destroy something that we value so much. Stand up for NIC and encourage passage of this bill.

