Thursday, October 10, 2024

NIC: Community demands change on the board

| March 3, 2023 1:00 AM

I’ve had it with the majority of the NIC Board of Trustees. The three anti-everything members created the quicksand we are in. They fired a president they didn’t like — never explained why — put another on leave for no reason and hired a third illegally, so now we’re paying two presidents at the same time. Yeah, that makes sense.

In spite of their claims that NIC is not at risk of losing its accreditation, it obviously is. What is it that these people want? What is their goal? Please, tell us specifically what their end game is. This Macomber lawyer they hired once said they didn’t care what we thought. Really? He should have been fired immediately.

NIC isn’t a liberal college. It isn’t a conservative college. It is a “community” college. You damn well better care what we want. These three people on the board of trustees seem to be focused on a political party, not the best interests of the school. Let’s quit beating around the bush. These people are destroying the college. I keep hearing that they want what is best for the school, but their childish actions and behavior bely that. They act like little kids, who are easily influenced by others. This is simple. Nothing will change until we get rid of these three kids. This is not a political issue. We don’t want to lose NIC. We want to lose three boneheads. It’s common sense.

