Saturday, October 05, 2024

CDA SCHOOL LEVIES: Vote yes for prudent investment in education

| March 3, 2023 1:00 AM

On March 14 we have an opportunity to vote YES in support of two measures necessary to adequately fund Coeur d’Alene public schools. Our public schools are a cornerstone element of what makes our community an attractive place to live, work and invest. Passing these two measures is a sound economic investment in the incredible quality of life we enjoy in Coeur d’Alene.

The Supplemental Levy should really be considered essential as it funds 25% of the annual operating budget of the district. As parents we value the presence of School Resource Officers, counselors and nurses in our schools. A portion of the levy also goes to support competitive wages for our teachers and staff. In our current tight labor market, providing competitive compensation is crucial to retaining our experienced and talented educators.

The Safety and Maintenance levy is a prudent investment to maintain the facilities that we taxpayers have already purchased. Like preventative maintenance of your house or car, it’s much less expensive to take care of our existing school assets than to let them fall into disrepair and require replacement. The maintenance funds will help keep our kids warm, dry and safe which is a critical foundation for their academic success.

Our district has one of the lowest levy rates in the state, but produces some of the highest academic achievement. This is an excellent value for the taxpayers of our community, so please join us in voting YES for our kids and teachers on March 14.


Coeur d’Alene