Saturday, September 28, 2024

SENIOR PROJECTS: Participation an investment in students

| June 23, 2023 1:00 AM

A few weeks ago, I was asked to join other community members in judging Senior Projects at Lake City High School. I also mentored a student at Coeur d’Alene High School for her Senior Project. Both experiences were very enjoyable. It was fun to return to LCHS after serving there as the School Resource Officer many years ago. The students were energetic, incredibly bright, and very determined in future endeavors.

I listened to topics that included how to run a successful small business, how to become an ultrasound tech, choosing a career in the military, electric cars versus gasoline engines, and tech school versus traditional college. All great topics and delivered with knowledge and confidence.

I hear a lot of negative comments about today’s generation of kids. I reject that with great enthusiasm. These kids are ready to take on life. I did not see any basement dwellers people complain about.

One concerning issue was their report of how difficult it was to find mentors for their Senior Projects. Apparently, numerous businesses and community leaders turned them down claiming they were too busy. I urge all of you who are contacted by students to reconsider your answer next year.

We all need to invest in students and help them plan for the future. It does not take too much time and you will enjoy the experience. Kudos to Principal Deann Clifford, Vice Principal Brandy Johnson, and all the talented teachers and staff that made for another successful year.



Coeur d’Alene City Councilmember