Saturday, October 05, 2024

WBCSD adjourns meeting without decision

Hagadone News Network | June 15, 2023 1:00 AM

PRIEST RIVER — The West Bonner County School District's special board meeting lasted just seven minutes Wednesday.

In that time, trustees opted in a 3-2 vote to amend the agenda by striking the discussion of rescinding the selection of Branden Durst as its new superintendent. Trustees then voted 3-2 to move forward with the amended agenda.

Board chairman Keith Rutledge opened the meeting saying there would be no public comment allowed because there has “already been enough.”

The board then moved on to the only other item on the agenda: Consideration of Durst’s contract. However, board vice chairwoman Susan Brown moved to table the agenda item after Rutledge said it could not be discussed at this time due to potential misconduct.

“The consideration of evidence that recently came to light is that improper and unprofessional discussions may have occurred between district employees and legal counsel regarding this subject,” Rutledge said. “Such discussions may have violated lawful procedures following the executive session of June 7 that require further investigation.”

After Brown’s motion, trustee Margaret Hall then cut in, stating Rutledge had not responded to questions about what legal counsel he had conversed with regarding the contract and addendum.

“I’d like to know the communications and emails that you have had with legal counsel prior to Monday’s meeting regarding the contract and addendum that is before us,” Hall said.

She said she would also like to know if Rutledge was talking with any other legal counsel and requested that he state the attorney and legal firm, Durst’s attorney and legal firm, and the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s attorney and legal firm to make sure the board isn’t liable individually or as a group.

Rutledge hesitated but then said he was in contact with attorney Bret Walther, and said he could share the communications he has had with Walther with the board. Rutledge said the communication happened between Monday and Wednesday.

“I know we were not notified, but in order to make a decision I feel it’s important the board see the legal counsel’s communication regarding the contract and addendum,” Hall said.

She stated this was common practice in prior superintendent hires.

Rutledge said because this legal counsel was not shared with the board, the agenda item could not be considered. Audience members were not satisfied with this response and yelled out that it was public information. Rutledge then ignored further questions from Hall and tabled the motion at the call of the chair, meaning it cannot be brought back onto the agenda until the chair says it can, and said there would be no further debate.

Before the motion was approved, audience members yet again questioned board members Brown and Troy Reinbold’s dedication to the district as they slouched in their chairs and did not speak their vote into the provided microphones.

“Act like you want to be here,” an audience member said.

“Man up and look up,” another said in reference to Reinbold.

The board members were then booed out of the auditorium as Durst’s contract was tabled unanimously. Board members said they are unsure of what the next steps will be regarding Durst’s contract negotiations.