Wednesday, July 03, 2024

TRAFFIC CAMERAS: Red flags spark concerns

| July 30, 2023 1:00 AM

Cameras. Wonderful devices. Developed in the early 1800s to permanently capture moments, people, actions, etc. to be viewed well into the future. The advent of technology allows us to capture an image, view it immediately and digitally store it to be retrieved on a whim.

Now, with financial assistance from our federal government (RED FLAG), the Idaho Transportation Department and KMPO envisions cameras to capture images of traffic under the guise of improving traffic flow and to reduce congestion.

Everyone knows there are always strings attached to government money. That in and of itself is cause for concern. Additionally, there’s the reasonable concern that said cameras are an invasion of our privacy. Simply put, cameras are a conduit for spying on Americans.

Some have said that by owning a cellphone, we have given up our privacy. While that’s true, I’d lay odds that cellphones wouldn’t be so prevalent today had people realized their sacrifice of privacy. The very fact that our cellular devices are so easily accessed by our government is one reason we simply don’t trust them. We know the government has easy access to our communication. Cameras give them easy access to our movement. The question is, what would they do with that information?

Given the rapid growth of this area with the multi-family units as a solution to “affordable” housing, adding cameras to our roadways adds credence to those that suspect the government’s desire to create a 15 minute city.


Post Falls