Monday, July 08, 2024


| July 28, 2023 1:00 AM

In case you haven’t noticed recently the price of gasoline is back to $4 a gallon. Before Joe Biden took office gas here in Coeur d’Alene was $1.98 a gallon. Energy costs went up when the Biden Administration announced and caused domestic energy production to be curtailed and regulated to the point of strangling the industry. In case you are not aware the cost of fuel is reflected in all products that have to be shipped, trucked or sent by rail. This has been the reason that everything is going up in price and I believe inflation actually sits at 15-20% and not the 7-8% the media and the Biden Administration try to claim.

Anyone who shops has had to notice all of the items that have increased $1, $2, $3 or more. I see it every time I go grocery shopping or think about going out for a hamburger. Now everything else is going up, my homeowners insurance, my HOA fees, etc., and when I call about these I am told they have to raise their prices because everything else is going up.

The Biden Administration has been a disaster to our economy and to everyone in America and we should be infuriated about it and not accepting of it. If you don’t believe that or try to deny that, you are lying to and fooling yourself.


Coeur d’Alene