Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Outdoor watering solutions can save water, give you more time to enjoy life

| July 23, 2023 1:06 AM

Water is vital to the beauty and economic well-being of our region. We love our lakes, rivers, and the aquifer that provides clean, safe drinking water. Some of you may have moved here from drought-affected areas of the United States because of our abundant water resources. In fact, according to U.S. Census data, the Kootenai County population increased from 138,494 residents April 1, 2010, to 183,578 residents July 1, 2022. While residents from drought-stricken areas may be very aware of the need to conserve water, here in the Inland Empire we love our big green lawns.

Turf requires high amounts of water and regular maintenance and in the hot summer months, water use triples compared to winter water use. Meeting the summer peak watering demand puts a strain on water system pumps, pipes, storage and infrastructure needed to deliver the water to our yards and homes. It also means the aquifer recharges the Spokane River less, causing environmental and recreational issues as flows decline.

We can have population growth and water, too, if we reduce the water wasted outdoors caused by leaking sprinkler systems, broken, misdirected or mismatched sprinkler heads, and overwatering. Further, we can protect water quality when we stop water from over-spraying on sidewalks and roadways. Water can carry herbicides, pesticides, fertilizer and auto fluids into storm drains and ultimately to our lakes, rivers and aquifers.

No one wastes water intentionally, so what can we do to solve outdoor watering problems, save water, and spend less time mowing the lawn? The Idaho Washington Aquifer Collaborative in partnership with the Spokane Aquifer Joint Board and the Spokane River Forum created a water conservation website called the Outdoor Watering Nerds. Serving Kootenai and Spokane counties, here’s how it helps you save water and have more time to enjoy the things you love doing.

Outdoor Watering Nerds can connect you to Professionals and “Do It Yourself” (DIY) resources for outdoor leak detection, sprinkler repair and retrofit, and landscape design. The Nerds are excited to bring you how-to videos, water-saving tips, rebates, classes and events in Kootenai and Spokane counties. Saving water outdoors protects your pocketbook, economic growth, the Spokane River, area lakes and our sole source of drinking water, the Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer.

Are you wondering how much water your yard really needs? Learn how a smart controller and sensor can remove the guesswork and make changes for you based on the current weather. The Nerds also have a Water Need Calculator for those of us who don’t have smart controllers.

Are you thinking about adding more drought-tolerant plants to your yard? The Nerds Landscape section links you to Drought.gov with up-to-date drought conditions. You can find lists of native plants and native plant nurseries, as well as sample landscape designs.

Does your system need a tune-up? The Nerds Sprinkler System Section contains a system checklist and how-to videos for every part of your sprinkler system. You can also find out why a properly maintained backflow device is essential for protecting your home’s drinking water.

Leaking underground pipes are one of the biggest wasters of water. Do you know how to determine if you have a leak in your outdoor system? Nerds will show you how to identify leaks and link you to professionals or DIY resources to make repairs.

The Outdoor Watering Nerds sponsors ask everyone to do their part to save water and invite you to spend less time mowing and more time enjoying our beautiful waterways.

The Our Gem Coeur d’Alene Lake Collaborative is a team of committed and passionate professionals working to preserve lake health and protect water quality by promoting community awareness of local water resources through education, outreach, and stewardship. Our Gem includes local experts from the University of Idaho Community Water Resource Center, Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Kootenai Environmental Alliance, Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber of Commerce and Connect Kootenai.

Tonilee Hanson is affiliated with The Idaho Washington Aquifer Collaborative.