Wednesday, July 03, 2024

TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER: Something to be skeptical of

| July 19, 2023 1:00 AM

I write to give credit to the Coeur d’Alene Press for recognizing that the Traffic Center survey is flawed and won’t provide a true picture of how people in the county feel about the plan.

Why would people ever possibly think that KMPO or any governmental body might not be on the up and up with the public… I ask with a might because Glenn Miles, the chairman of this body, has bent over backward to help me understand that KMPO has only good intentions in mind with their proposal and the attendant public invitation to work sessions/discussions/ survey.

Why would I be skeptical of government when the chairman is a gem?

Look at Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, L.A., Chicago, NYC, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Denver, etc., where local governments have prohibited criminals from being arrested by police or prosecuted by prosecutors for clearly illegal acts. They have turned once great cities into hell holes where only thug leftist or communist groups have free reign and other citizens are preyed upon by the criminals.

We’re pre-conditioned to not trust local, state and national government and people that run for office to enrich themselves, not be public servants as they swore to be. (Not all.)

Whether you and the county believe it or not, most of us believe that the Democrats have stolen several major elections and are damn sick of it, and the fact that nothing seems to be approved in our efforts to overturn the thefts. You will say “Show us the proof” … but we have, repeatedly throughout the country, and all the media simply does is say we are “conspiracy theorists.”

