Monday, July 01, 2024

IMMIGRANTS: Tell us how many are here

| July 19, 2023 1:00 AM

Give us the numbers.

We have a major crisis at the Mexican border that doesn’t get the attention it should. Citizens should know what our government is spending and on what. After all, it’s our tax dollars that are paying for this avoidable mess.

After 30 months and over five million immigrants have been absorbed into our country, I have never heard or read how many immigrants have arrived in Idaho and Kootenai County, or the city of Coeur d’Alene. Not once. I feel our mayor and city council owes us some answers. How many immigrants have made our city their new home? Our county supervisors should tell us how many immigrants have made Kootenai County their new residence. How about our governor’s office telling us how many immigrants have made Idaho and America their new abode. All of them should know the answers to these important questions. If they don’t know, shame on them for not inquiring with DHS and our federal government officials. This affects all of us who live here in a major way, especially financially.

We should be told each month how many immigrants arrive and what was the cost to us taxpayers to have them here in our city, county and state. It must be included in the budget at each level of government, probably under the “discretionary expense category.” And let’s find out if the federal government is reimbursing our local government and if so, how much.

All of these government officials owe us answers. If they aren’t interested enough to find out, then please do your constituents a favor and just quit. Give us the numbers.


Hayden Lake