Monday, March 10, 2025

Man dies in I-90 crash

Staff Writer | July 13, 2023 1:08 AM

POST FALLS — A Post Falls man was killed in a one-vehicle crash Wednesday when his 2006 Chevy Aveo slammed into the Idaho Street bridge abutment in Post Falls.

Idaho State Police are investigating the crash that claimed the life of Christopher David Tacheny, 58, who was driving westbound on Interstate 90 when his Aveo left the freeway and hit the bridge. ISP Trooper Eric O'Brien said next of kin have been notified.

"We won’t know final cause of death until the autopsy report comes back," O'Brien said.

The autopsy is set for today at the medical examiner's office in Spokane, O'Brien said. He said officials won't know until after the autopsy if a medical issue is what caused Tacheny to leave the roadway.

Post Falls Police Department and Kootenai County Fire and Rescue also responded to the incident, which occurred midday. Traffic was backed up as crews cleared the area.

Post Falls resident Don Irons was driving south on Idaho Street just after the crash took place.

"I saw smoke," he said. "I had to go around. There was already people here, so I don't know for sure. The car was on fire. It smashed into that, came off the freeway and ran right up."



Smoke can still be seen rising from the crash site where a silver sedan on Wednesday drove off westbound Interstate 90 and collided with the Idaho Street Bridge in Post Falls.