Saturday, September 28, 2024

LIBRARY NETWORK: Small libraries could be closed

| July 12, 2023 1:00 AM

Community Library Network district manager, Alexa Eccles, stated at a recent special trustee meeting that the smaller libraries (Harrison was mentioned) might be closed and other locations may have reduced hours in order to balance the 2024 budget.

The library network board held special meetings July 6 and 7 to discuss resolution of a $200,000+ deficit caused by inflation in all areas of library operation. This deficit, to a large extent, was caused by an increase in personnel costs to meet local competition. Personnel costs are over 60% of the almost $6 million budget.

Normally, a deficit like this would be resolved by taking up to 3% in additional property tax revenue. But the two newly elected trustees, Tom Hanley and Tim Plass, repeatedly said during the meeting that they would not allow the library to request the tax funds, about $130,000 at this time. Hanley and Plass were endorsed and their campaigns largely financed by the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee. The two endorsees have no background or experience with library systems like the CLN.

The tax increase will not completely solve the problem; however, other actions, along with the increase, should result in an acceptable continuation of library service levels to all communities served by the network.

The CLN has not taken the 3% increase available to it annually for the last three years. Considering the current rate of inflation, a 3% increase is reasonable and appropriate as the district has not taken the full amount for the last four years.

The CLN board has five members. It takes three votes to approve the additional funds. It is very important that residents of Kootenai County encourage support for the 3% to continue the level of library service to all of our communities.


Past Trustee

Community Library Network