Friday, October 25, 2024

HOUSING: More ‘right-size’ options needed

| July 12, 2023 1:00 AM

I prefer progress over regression but as I age I recognize the limits of my current home. I foresee a time soon when I will need to return to apartment living instead of the single family ranch-style home I currently enjoy. I call this a regression only because I will be returning to a living arrangement I had during my younger years just starting out. While I am too healthy for assisted living, I am too feeble for routine home maintenance like climbing ladders… and herein lays the problem: There are virtually no new 3 to 4 bedroom apartments in Kootenai County. While I applaud the construction of “starter homes” and 1 to 2 bedroom apartments, I lament there are few options for established families wanting larger apartments or condominiums (without luxury pricing).

Would someone please discuss this lack of affordable, right-size, housing with builders, developers, zoning authorities and others who realize we need more right-size housing options.


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