Saturday, July 06, 2024

SPENDING: Should be local, not on Pentagon

| July 5, 2023 1:00 AM

July Fourth is a good time to consider what is important to us locally. Currently, we have schools that are underfunded, 47% of our Idaho veterans are over the age of 65 and need some assistance, many of our bridges are at risk of failure; miles of highway are in need of repair; many of our water and sewage systems are inadequate and many cannot afford housing. We have the least number of health care workers in the nation, yet we are about to give the Pentagon a budget of $886 billion dollars in discretionary funds, in addition to the 12% of the federal budget they receive. In total, about $3.5 trillion dollars.

It is time to consider our needs over the needs of the weapons contractors, who receive half of the Pentagon budget. What is more important, ensuring our air and water are clean and safe, our kids have a safe place to live and go to school, that they have adequate nutrition and health care and a good education or that big contractors rake in huge profits? It is a proven fact that for every $1 invested in peace-building/diplomacy, there is a $16 return. Money well spent.

The U.S. spends more money on the Pentagon and weapons contractors than the next 10 nations combined. This is not sustainable. Let Sens. Crapo and Risch know our needs take precedence over Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.

