Saturday, October 19, 2024

NIC: Another thought

| January 15, 2023 1:00 AM

After reading the My Turn Opinion Piece by Tim Christie on Jan. 5 on the “Consequences of Loss of Accreditation for NIC,” I started thinking about what is really behind the loss of accreditation for NIC. I have come up with a totally different reason why Banducci, McKenzie and Waggoner want to see NIC lose its accreditation.

As Mr. Christie pointed out, if NIC loses its accreditation and then loses its state and local funding, then the college will have to close. Now the college sits on very valuable and a prime location in downtown Coeur d’Alene.

Now what if there are big money and business interests who want to acquire and develop this prime land. The business interests know that the college would never sell the land, but if the college closes, then these business interests can then come in and buy the land.

I understand that there are some restrictions about selling the land and that could be why Mr. Macomber (a real estate lawyer) was hired to help navigate the legal aspects of selling the land to private investors. When you think about how much money could be made with the right development, probably hundreds of millions of dollars over the next 10, 15 or 20 years, this shines a whole new perspective on what has been happening at NIC. If this is the case then, Banducci, McKenzie, Waggoner and Macomber seem to be up to no good and possibly into illegal or even criminal activities.

This is my opinion about what is going on at NIC. There is an old saying, "When something does not seem right: Follow the money."

