Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Airport director departs

Staff Writer | February 17, 2023 1:09 AM

COEUR d’ALENE — Steven Kjergaard has resigned from his position as Coeur d’Alene Airport director.

A three-sentence media release from the county Thursday said the Board of County Commissioners accepted Kjergaard's resignation that day and that a search for a new director would begin immediately.

"The BOCC wishes him the best in his future endeavors," the release said.

Kjergaard, whose resignation was effective immediately, managed the airport since his hire in April 2017. He spent the previous six years as director of the Sloulin Field International Airport in Williston, N.D.

“I got hired by the previous board to make the airport profitable and I did that,” he said Thursday. “When I first got here, the Coeur d’Alene Airport was taking $300,000 to $350,000 in property taxes. It’s now operating in the black. I’m very proud of that.”

In his nearly six years with Kootenai County, Kjergaard said he focused on growth and increasing the airport’s self sufficiency. That included adding businesses and building hangars.

“The airport’s out of space at this time,” he said. “A lot of great things under my leadership we’ve done.”

He also faced criticism from some airport stakeholders and community members, including hangar owners.

“Those individuals want the airport to be their own playground,” Kjergaard said. “That’s their right. It’s their hangar. This airport doesn’t just serve one group of people.”

Kjergaard said actions by the new iteration of the Board of County Commissioners contributed to his decision to depart.

“They fully admitted in a public meeting they’re going to devalue the skeet club ground, which is a grant assurance violation,” he said. “I can’t agree with that.”

Commissioners voted unanimously last week to arrange for a new appraisal for the land where the Coeur d’Alene Skeet and Trap Club sits — land the club rents from the airport and that Idaho Fish and Game has expressed interest in purchasing.

“I think we need an updated one because property values continue to drop,” Commissioner Leslie Duncan said last week.

Kjergaard said he’s moving on to a new job opportunity, though he didn’t reveal where.

“He’s a very talented guy,” said Commissioner Bill Brooks.

Brooks said Kjergaard will have no problem finding employment anywhere he wants to go.

“The problem will be replacing him with someone who knows as much as he knows,” Brooks said. “These guys in large general aviation airports are not a dime a dozen. They are very rare.”