Sunday, October 06, 2024

COEUR TERRE: Should be tabled

| February 10, 2023 1:00 AM

I am writing today to voice my concerns about the Coeur Terre project. My wife and I live in Indian Meadows, and have enjoyed the past 14 years in our quiet little neighborhood.

My first concern is the huge amount of traffic that would be funneled through our neighborhood and completely change our peaceful way of life.

My second concern is the lack of a traffic study to determine how 4,500 vehicles are going to get through our neighborhood to get to the freeway or a grocery store, when it was determined that Seltice would not accommodate that many vehicles. Also, how can they even do a traffic study when the locations of the new schools haven’t been determined yet?

My third concern is the effect 4,500 households will have on our aquifer, not to mention our roads would be torn up to tie these houses into our sewage system, and the strain they would put on our water treatment.

This project should be tabled until these issues have been resolved.


Coeur d’Alene, Indian Meadows