Monday, October 14, 2024

FAST FIVE Plunge into the new year with Chad Bennett AKA 'Father Time'

Staff Writer | December 30, 2023 1:00 AM

Meet Chad Bennett, the unofficial timekeeper for Coeur d'Alene's annual Polar Bear Plunge. Many might recognize Chad by his blue wig, stuffed polar bear and countdown clock-topped staff that accompany him to the Plunge each year, earning him the nickname, "Father Time."

1) How and when did you become "Father Time," the unofficial timekeeper for the annual New Year's Day Polar Bear Plunge at Sanders Beach?

In 1995, I returned home from five years of active duty in the Army. It was a tough time in my life and just before New Year's 1996 I saw a Press article about the Polar Bear Plunge at Sanders Beach. I knew immediately it was something I HAD to do. I showed up and the guys who started it all, the OG's decked out in robes and odd regalia, held up a small clock and counted down the mad dash into the water. It was an exhilarating experience and I knew it was something I was always gonna do. Quite a few years went by with the same routine. I THINK around 1998 the OG's either weren't there or just didn't do the countdown. No one knew when to go in and it was a chaotic letdown. I decided to make a special countdown clock for the following year in case they didn't show. That next year there was no sign of them, so I figured no harm in filling in with Blue Bear and the clock. I've been Father Time ever since.

2) What are a few of your favorite things about participating in this tradition each year?

The Plunge has been a family event. My kids have all done it. My siblings participate. My wife Leah is always by my side. My brother Justin is my righthand guy. He filled in for me as Father Time in 2009 when I was deployed to Iraq. I love the positive vibe on the beach. Everyone is on the same team, happy and full of fun and anxious energy. It's like finish line at Ironman, so much goodwill.

3) What are some of the best memories you have from this event, and/or some of the craziest things you have witnessed?

I love seeing the anxious trepidation in first-timers. It takes solid dedication to make your way down to a nearly frozen beach, brave the winter temps, strip down to your swim wear and run into icy cold water. Most would call it crazy, but I think it's a great test of your physical and mental convictions. I've witnessed spectators change their mind last minute and jump in fully clothed after realizing they don't want to miss out on the experience. Start the New Year cool and refreshed. Wash away the disappointments of the previous year in beautiful Lake Coeur d'Alene.

4) What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

Despite what some people might think, for the most part I'm pretty quiet and shy and like to keep to myself. Father Time is my breakout role in the theater of life.

5) What are your hopes and predictions for 2024?

I think 2024 is going to be difficult for a lot of people everywhere, but we often find our strongest self in difficult times. Unplug, go outside, cold plunge, watch a sunset and most importantly, live with a sense of passion for something good.