Tuesday, July 02, 2024

MORRISROE: ‘Added value to our schools’

| December 29, 2023 1:00 AM

About five years ago, I met with Coeur d’Alene public schools trustee chairman Casey Morrisroe. He took a break from his business to meet with me. My purpose was to discuss concerns about the location of the new elementary school, NEXA. Mr. Morrisroe listened to my thoughts carefully. He explained his position on every issue respectfully. He addressed every concern. 

I can honestly say Mr. Morrisroe’s intent was to explain and inform without using power or agenda. I left that meeting feeling heard and with a clear understanding of his view. While we did not agree on everything, I believe Mr. Morrisroe’s only goal was to make the best possible decisions for the school district and the students. 

He served our school district for eight years, including the years with several changes in the superintendent’s office. Some trustees might have resigned under the circumstances, but Mr. Morrisroe and the other trustees demonstrated stability. It is plain to me that Casey Morrisroe’s service added value to our schools.

Thank you for your leadership, Mr. Morrisroe. Our schools benefited from your efforts. I hope you are an example for others who enter public service for years to come.

Barbara Ostipwko

Coeur d’Alene