Saturday, July 06, 2024

AMERICA: ‘Slipping away’

| December 29, 2023 1:00 AM

Steady, by jerks, my America is slipping away — no, I’m not speaking of our national debt growing at a trillion dollars every 3-4 months, or open borders welcoming millions of illegal, unvetted immigrants destined to overwhelm our nation in every way, shape and form or illegal drugs killing over 100,000 Americans last year or our military gone woke, unable to reach recruitment quotas despite huge enlistment incentives or crime running rampant across our land or sky-high inflation (60% of families living paycheck to paycheck) or, or … the list is endless. Just maybe the root of our decline lies within — educational systems teaching us to hate each other and our nation; males competing in women’s sports (why is there even a discussion about this?); surgical sex mutilations, evil beyond words. Doctors performing these operations should first have their private parts cut off and pay for it themselves; celebrating 30 days for gay pride. Why?; legalizing recreational marijuana, (which increases violence and mental illness); the nuclear family diminishing; single-parent families skyrocketing; millions of unborn babies killed for another’s convenience (does our nation care so little about human life?); electronic devices wasting seven hours of our personal daily lives — sadly, talking with each other becoming a rarity; our colleges are cesspools for antisemitism and Marxist liberalism; many feel entitled to most everything. We’re entitled to nothing another has to work for.; removing God from most everything, even Christmas (White House!)

PS. Also, a few responses:

• Democrats and a more perfect union — gotta be an oxymoron! 

• Sir, please, just watch the J6 tapes.

Through it all, still a blessing to live in America. Happy New Year.


Coeur d’Alene