Saturday, September 28, 2024

VETERANS PRESS: Hey veterans, did you know?

Did you know… When you file a claim with the VA you will likely be required to take a C&P, (short for Compensation & Pension) Exam.

This is very important! And here’s why… The VA hires third-party examiners, along with VA employed examiners to conduct these examinations. The three main providers in our area are QTC Medical, VES (Veteran Evaluation Services) and VetFed Health Solutions. Remember, they may not clearly identify themselves as a VA contractor, or tell you they are calling in reference to a C&P exam. They may just simply say that they are calling about an exam they scheduled on your behalf. This confuses many veterans!

When you submit a disability claim to the VA, they will direct one of these contractor to contact you directly to schedule an examination. Note, it can take weeks or even months to get an appointment after submitting a disability claim. 

Typically these examiners will make only two attempts to contact you by phone and maybe once by mail. It is imperative that you stop screening your calls and answer your phone when you are expecting this call. Some veterans assume these calls are scams — they are NOT!

If you ignore this contact request, it is likely to result in a claim denial or a lower disability percentage. However, if due to an unforeseen, justifiable circumstance, you are unable to attend your scheduled exam, you can request the VA and/or contractor to have your exam rescheduled, if notified very promptly. But be aware this will cause a delay in your claim processing time.

If you get anything out of this article, “DON’T MISS YOUR EXAMS!”

For local help, see the “North Idaho Resource Directory;” Kootenai County Veterans Service Benefits Office, 208-446-1092; or Spokane Regional Veterans Service Center, 509-477-3690.