Saturday, March 01, 2025

Two trucks worth of toys, even more Christmas magic

| December 26, 2023 1:00 AM

Beth Carrico said the team NASCO was feeling extra festive Friday as they made their way to drop off nearly $4,000 to Toys for Tots.

"The NASCO crew went to Walmart and filled up seven carts with toys, sporting goods, bikes, helmets, sleds, you name it we got it," Carrico said.

It filled the team with pride to be able to provide for local kids to have a happier holiday this Christmas, and the packing of the trucks also posed a fun challenge for the group as they made their way over to donate their gifts to local kids."We filled up two trucks with toys. How cool is that?" Carrico said.

    Travis Berti, Beth Carrico, Rick Luna, Loralee Visintainer, Gretchen Mann, and Marley Chambers stand with toys for kids in need. NASCO's Kellogg location was able to donate nearly $4,000 woth of toys, sporting goods, bikes, helmets, sled to Toys for Tots.