CHRISTMAS FOR ALL: Protecting their kids
Any parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or older sibling knows how fast toddlers are once they learn how to run.
One Athol family with twins has to be twice as attentive as both children like to quickly get to where they're going and climb over obstacles if needed. It can be even more difficult keeping tabs on the turbo toddlers as one child, "Owen," has autism and the other, "Tilly," is developmentally delayed.
"We have been receiving services with the Infant Toddler Program and Early Head Start for the past year-and-a-half to address these needs," mom "Nicci" told Press Christmas for All.
Meeting Owen's safety needs especially has been the family's biggest challenge in the past year.
"He's very inquisitive and he is fast," Nicci said. "We are worried about being able to keep him contained and safe."
Nicci and husband "Stephen" have worked with the Idaho Department of Welfare's Infant Toddler Program and Early Head Start to build their parenting skills, "which in turn has empowered us to help both children make significant developmental progress and build our knowledge of autism and language delay," Nicci said.
Their wish was for deer fencing material to build a secure perimeter tall enough to keep their littles from climbing over or running through it. The family had previously used orange construction fencing material, but the kids learned how to scale it and break free.
The couple offered to provide the labor if Press Christmas for All could provide the fencing, which cost $500 the family could not afford.
"Nicci and Stephen are both very appreciative of the services they have received for the twins and they are both diligent in following through with therapies — the progress both kids have made shows this," said Liz Larson, a Press Christmas for All referring partner with Health and Welfare. "They are doing the best they can with their limited income and do not like to ask for help, but are concerned for Owen's safety. They would be most appreciative of any help with this."
Through Press Christmas for All, the family received a 4-foot chain-link fence to provide a long-term sustainable solution.
Each year, Press readers generously donate to Christmas for All. Every penny raised is distributed to Kootenai County residents. All overhead costs are covered by The Hagadone Corporation.
The gift recipients are our neighbors including families with young children, the elderly, people with disabilities, veterans, the homeless and those with mental illnesses. Many who seek assistance from Christmas for All are working but unable to make ends meet, especially with the dramatic increase in the cost of living in Kootenai County.
Beneficiaries of Press Christmas for All keep their dignity while the community provides a hand-up to help get them back on their feet. They are asked to pitch in a little bit toward their award to remind them of their capacity and resourcefulness. The “co-pay” is small and calculated on a sliding scale of income, but ensures these neighbors actively participate in their award.
Press Christmas for All is managed by The Hagadone Corp., with assistance from CharityReimagined.Org. Christmas for All is a legally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Here are four ways to donate:
• Mail a check to Press Christmas for All, 215 N. Second St., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
• Call The Press and make a secure credit card donation over the phone: 208-664-8176
• Visit Click on Christmas for All and make a secure, online donation.
• Drop off your check at The Press weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.: 215 N. Second St. in downtown Coeur d'Alene.
Amy Walter — In memory of Joseph Walter & Robert Miles; Nancy Mertz; Linda Sorensen; Chad & Debbie McCormick; Patrick Tebo; Richard Smith; Kathy & Dave Kuntz; Joyce Barton; Jolyn & Daryl Wood; Rick & Vicki Currie; Leland & Lyndell Erwin; Michael & Lauri Armon; Dale & Sandra Lawrence; Mary Landers; Bert & Carol Haight; John & Diane Raley; Carla Hauer & Debbie Tolzmann; S.K. Mcinturff; Bob & Dorothy Yohe; Clock Family; Fred & Sharon Gabourie; Nicolas & Marlene Sigler; Sandra Bloem & Erick Lee Lundblad-Grubar; Linda & Brad Pendleton
$500 OR MORE
Mitchell McAlpine; Brenda Christensen; John & Betsy McTear; Bradley & Shariae Dugdale