Sunday, May 05, 2024

EDITORIAL: Help neighbors like Bob and Virginia did

| December 17, 2023 1:00 AM

Welcome to the final week of Press Christmas for All’s 2023 fundraising campaign.

Hopefully it will end next Monday with its $200,000 goal met or exceeded. While that final chapter of the story has yet to be written, some of you may not know how this beautiful yet somewhat sad saga began.

On Dec. 12, 1980, local couple Mae and Larry Hanley were the subject of a five-paragraph story in this newspaper. The Hanleys asked readers to contact them if they had any gifts, toys, food or money to contribute to a program they decided to call Christmas for All. Their intended beneficiary was a neighbor lady who had nothing for her family at Christmas.

While the Hanleys gave Christmas for All its start — they raised something like $150 that first year, according to Press archives — local churches got involved and the program grew a little more over several years. 

But it hit a low ceiling, and former Press executive Bob Paulos and owner Duane Hagadone brainstormed to see how they might help it expand. And now, more than four decades and millions of generously donated dollars later, the program thrives.

(Just so you know, Larry Hanley remained a diligent donor to the program well after his wife died in 1997.)

Every day from Black Friday to Christmas, The Press publishes front-page stories based on real families' needs as they seek a hand up while striving to create a better life.

But one story that should not be forgotten is how two of the key founders of this feast, Bob and Virginia Paulos, died in 2008 and 2009 respectively without ever bearing children of their own.

Press Christmas for All was their baby, and they nurtured it and helped it grow through tireless effort and boundless love.

Virginia succumbed to Alzheimer's; near the end she didn't recognize her beloved husband.

Bob, aged and ill, lived his final days in Oklahoma where an adoring family watched over him. It was a blessing he had earned over a lifetime.

Press Christmas for All has evolved. It has touched more lives than we can count. With Christmas Eve one week away, please consider a gift to keep these blessings flowing.