Thursday, March 06, 2025

MY TURN: Journalistic integrity versus propaganda

by DEBORAH ROSE/Guest Opinion
| December 15, 2023 1:00 AM

Our journey in life can bring us front and center with individuals who seek to injure others, oftentimes being injured individuals themselves. They burden other people with mean-spiritedness, dishonesty and cruelty, sometimes because they’ve yet to heal their own psychological injuries. Such people will present mischaracterizations of others while they present a biased and colored version of reality in general. These individuals lack integrity.

When claiming to be journalists, these impostors want you to believe their biases and deception to be fact-based; the dynamics driving their messages avoids journalistic integrity. While there may be a bit of truth in their message, they are mere bloggers who promote propaganda and bias for fame, attention and financial gain at the expense of the well-being of others.

Integrity is the foundation that allows our nation, our communities and our institutions to thrive and provide needed resources and information. When we believe propaganda and deception is reliable, respect-worthy news, we tear away at the foundation of these entities, and we can end up rejecting the efforts of our true heroes.

So, what is the journalist code of ethics? 

The Society of Professional Journalists tells us in their Preamble: Public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, factual and thorough. An ethical journalist acts with integrity.

Principled and professional journalists report and interpret honestly; they strive to provide all essential information pertaining to the story they are telling. They do not suppress relevant available facts, nor do they give distorted emphasis or perceptions.

There are four principles of ethical journalism. They are: 

• Seek truth and report it

• Minimize harm

• Act independently

• Be accountable and transparent

No matter the communication medium used — photo, print, video or digital — utilizing verifiable unedited context and creditable sources, is essential to maintain journalistic integrity. There is no excuse for deceit or over simplification to promote a specific agenda. Extreme care to accuracy is fundamental to professional journalism. 

The Journalists Code of Ethics acknowledges source anonymity is reserved for situations where harm or danger could result if the identity of the journalist’s source is revealed.  In order for the public to determine if information is reliable, this concern needs to be made known, as well as, revealing source motivation.

Journalistic integrity will give a voice to those who are rarely heard, while approaching those in power courageously and vigilantly to hold them accountable.

Ethical journalism recognizes the importance of weighing potential harm against the public’s need for information. Providing news is not a license for bullying, doxing or unwarranted intrusiveness. Sensitivity and compassion are needed traits for professional journalism.

Integrity in journalism avoids baseless accusations. The long-term consequences to those falsely accused is an elevated concern.

A skilled journalist will be civil and just in their reporting.

This is not an exhaustive list of what the highest obligations of journalistic integrity are. This list is intended to help you define the readily noticeable differences between journalistic integrity and the propaganda dished out by many bloggers on social media who call themselves journalist. Their insatiable appetite for attention leads to unethical, dishonest and harmful results. 

Social media has been an obvious gathering place for those who lack journalistic integrity. This profoundly purposeful movement has become epidemic and extremely destructive. The propaganda running rampant on social media and promoted by printed sources, threaten the order of our established political and civil society. The moral standards and intentions of those behind all the propaganda are questionable. 

If we are to preserve our freedoms and our independence, we must have the courage to be relentless in our disdain and our rejection toward those who have invaded our lives with their propensity for dishonesty and cruelty. No demographic has been spared from harboring such individuals.

The majority of Kootenai County and Idaho voters identify as Republicans. Those of us who identify as Republicans are being confronted with a significant and specific duty. We are being called to stand up to any threat to our Constitutional Republic, even when manifested by the tyrannical, authoritarian faction of our own political party. 

A critical part of the responsibility we bear in preserving and protecting the benefits of our Constitutional Republic, requires us to resist the spread of propaganda, bigotry and deception.

Surely, the day will soon come when many will stand in shame when they realize the deceptive wickedness they defended and the true heroes they lied about, mocked and scorned.

I encourage you to take a conscientious and courageous stand for integrity in reporting. Learn to identify and respect the difference between journalistic integrity and biased propaganda. To do so, is an ultimate expression of discernment and true patriotism.

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Deborah Rose is a Kootenai County resident. She is a member of the North Idaho Republicans and a retired English teacher who is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.