JACK’S STORY: A tale of dogs and kindness
This is one of those “feel good” stories that seems especially appropriate for the holiday season.
A few mornings ago I was out walking and bumped into two neighbors and their springer spaniel named Stella. Soon another neighbor happened to join us and together we walked toward our respective homes in the Sanders Beach area.
We were chatting and catching up with each other when a Kootenai Health vehicle pulls up, parks and the driver excitedly jumps out of his car.
“May I pet your dog?” “Sure.”
“What’s your dog’s name?” “Stella.”
“May I give Stella a treat?” “Of course! What’s your name?”
Jack starts telling the incredibly loving story of why springer spaniels are special to him. Over the years, he and his wife have had many spaniels. Several years ago, the spaniel they owned at the time started gently laying his head on his wife’s chest. Particularly the left side. Over and over again the dog did this, and always on the left side.
I don’t remember why, but Jack decided to call his wife’s doctor to tell him about his dog’s behavior. The doctor, (and I sure wish I knew his/her name!) instructed Jack to bring his wife in right away.
The dog’s instinctive behavior had helped diagnose a breast tumor…on her left side.
Jack shared that his wife lived another 12 years.
After a moment of silence, we asked, “What do you do at Kootenai Health?” Besides the car with Kootenai Health logo, Jack was wearing a jacket with same logo as well as a name tag.
“I deliver prescription meds to those who can’t get to the pharmacy. I love my job!”
Thank you, Jack, for sharing so openly your touching story. The world sure could use a few more people like you.
And to Jack, Stella and all of old Coeur d’Alene, Merry Christmas!
Coeur d’Alene