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ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Why acupuncture is a powerful tool to reduce anxiety

| December 6, 2023 1:00 AM

After practicing acupuncture for nearly two decades, I have long noticed the effect it has on anxiety and stress reduction. It isn’t uncommon to have new patients that are “on edge” show up visibly more relaxed on the second visit. The effects of acupuncture on anxiety are subtle and cumulative, with patients noticing a difference in their ability to relax growing steadily over time. How does acupuncture have this effect?

The two main branches of the nervous system are the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches. Referred to as “fight or flight,” the sympathetic branch is activated during times of stress and leads to increased heart rate and blood pressure, shunting blood into the muscles and brain so that you can run from danger and think more clearly. The parasympathetic branch is activated in times of rest and relaxation with decreased heart rate and blood pressure, aiding in digestive and restorative processes. When people lead chronically stressful lives, they can get stuck in a sympathetic predominant state, leading to symptoms like insomnia and anxiety or panic attacks. Acupuncture powerfully activates the parasympathetic nervous system, explaining its immediate and long-term effects on reducing anxiety.

Acupuncture has been shown scientifically to release endorphins, the body’s “feel good” chemicals, as well as other endogenous chemicals which play a role in reducing the body’s stress responses. In 2013, researchers exposed rats to cold-induced stress, and then evaluated the effect of the subsequent administration of acupuncture on them. They discovered significantly reduced levels of a protein called neuropeptide Y, secreted in both rodents and humans by the sympathetic nervous system in times of stress. They also found that stress hormone blood levels were lowered.

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