Saturday, October 05, 2024

MIAs: Many remain unaccounted for

| December 3, 2023 1:00 AM

Interesting that these were major headlines in two different military newspapers this week, “No Hero Left Behind” and “Vietnam War 50th Anniversary” with subtitle, “Vietnam Vets Returning Home.”

Well, they didn’t all come home. In fact, as of 2022 there were 1,244 still “unaccounted for” in Vietnam (1,582 according to one source). How did this happen to the mightiest nation on Earth during its longest war against such a tiny country? Was it partly because of President Johnson’s “guns and butter” policy of luxury living at home while our men fought and died in that “little” war over there?

Wouldn’t surprise me that many or most of those “lost” (forever) occurred as the war (often called a “conflict” making it sound less serious) wound down and we prepared to run away with our tail between our legs.

No Hero Left Behind? I don’t think so.

And now that little country is a tourist stop for Americans and we can buy clothes made by slave labor while Vietnam is still Communist.

Oh, and they’re still persecuting and killing Christians.


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