Friday, March 28, 2025

MY TURN: Verifiable HURA facts

by ED DePRIEST/Guest Opinion
| December 2, 2023 1:00 AM

Let’s talk verifiable fact, as opposed to misunderstanding, misinformation, fearmongering and sometimes flat-out lies. 

In response to Mr. Shafer’s My Turn about the Hayden Urban Renewal Agency (HURA). I am not sure which of the above to attribute to what he wrote. Maybe, if Mr. Shafer had lived here more than the 2-3 years that he has, he would have a better understanding of HURA? Maybe, if Mr. Shafer had been more involved with the city of Hayden until an issue in his neighborhood motivated him to do so, he would have a better understanding?

Mr. Shafer referred to HURA assisting Rock Properties with approximately $1.6 million dollars of infrastructure in their development. Mr. Shafer infers that the $1.6 million was for Consignment Furniture. Mr. Shafer infers that HURA gave Mr. Rock the money for landscaping. In fact, HURA entered into an Owner Participation Agreement (OPA).

In fact, the developer (Mr. Rock’s Company) fronts the money for the improvements. The OPA is an incremental reimbursement of Rock Ent. over time of costs, not an up-front payment to the developer. There is no guaranty of how much will eventually be reimbursed, if any. 

The fact is, that the OPA amount is reimbursed at 75% of any annual incremental increase in the value of the property (if any increase). This OPA will not even begin to be reimbursed until an OPA related to the sewer is closed. The HURA district closes in five years, so it is entirely possible that the OPA with Rock Ent. may not be reimbursed completely, if at all.

The fact is, that the OPA and the $1.6 million was not for landscaping for Consignment Furniture, but for bringing infrastructure (roads, road widening, curbs, water, sewer, required landscaping in the swales, etc.) to the entire development. The development consists of 19 lots and new and widening of Warren Street, Fryeburg and Sparks Avenue. The $1.6 million is used to widen and bring in those new roads, as well as bringing water and sewer to those lots. 

Mr. Shafer suggests that Urban Renewal Districts can only participate with properties that are dilapidated or have run-down structures. Maybe, Mr. Shafer doesn’t know about State Statute related to Urban Renewal participation? 

Idaho Code 50-2903(8)(c): “Any area which is predominately open and which because of obsolete platting, diversity of ownership, deterioration of structures or improvements, or otherwise, results in economic underdevelopment of the area or substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of a municipality.

Notice the phrase: "… results in economic underdevelopment of the area ..." Economic underdevelopment does not require the area to be run-down or have dilapidated buildings. 

What HURA has done primarily has been to help bring business to economically undeveloped land and assist in infrastructure improvements. HURA has participated in millions of dollars of infrastructure (roads, sewers, etc.) improvements and has committed to multiple millions of dollars in future infrastructure improvement in the next five years. Look at the city five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to see the projects. 

The proposed expansion of the district is so that HURA can contribute to road and intersection projects to hopefully alleviate some of the existing traffic issues that we have in Hayden. 

When HURA closes in 2029, the entire amount of the increased valuation of the property will be proportionally distributed to Hayden and other taxing districts. Look at the results of the recent closing of Post Falls URD districts and how much additional tax revenue from new business will be generated. Tax revenue that will reduce the burden on residential tax payers. 

For those wanting to get rid of HURA, I ask how you propose to fund the much-needed infrastructure projects? The alternatives that I see are to either raise taxes or ask the taxpayers to pass bonds in the multiple millions of dollars. 

Mr. Shafer doesn’t like the makeup of the HURA board? Who would he rather see? People who have no connection to the city? People who do not understand infrastructure needs and development? Maybe ideological zealots who put their ideology ahead of the best interest of ALL of the citizens of Hayden? 

So yes, I too encourage as many people as possible to attend the Open House on Dec. 5 at 4 p.m. Come with an open mind and ask questions. Hear the true, verifiable facts.

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Ed DePriest is a Hayden resident.