Sunday, October 13, 2024

E-BIKES: Provide access for all

| August 18, 2023 1:00 AM

My wife and I have E-bikes enabling us to get back on trails we have so much enjoyed over the years. Now in my 80s, traditional biking days are over. We love wilderness trails and those in neighborhoods, so accessible in our area.

However, a few letters to the editor have leveled objections to our presence. We notice many electric bikes each time we ride but never has one ever passed us. However, on every ride we experience triathlon-type athletes speeding by at 20-25 mph. The limit is 15. We maintain 8-10 to enjoy the marvelous scenery and wildlife. I’m not complaining about athletes. I admire their stamina and wish I could join them. For the most part, they are cordial, alerting us from behind with a loud, “On your left” warning. I’m happy they can fulfill their passion in such beautiful settings.

But herein lies the problem. If, as some believe, we should not be allowed on trails or bike lanes where can we ride? Not on the street, it’s dangerous and illegal. If battery driven wheelchairs and E-bikes are considered motorized they must have headlights, taillights, turn signals and be licensed. However, the Idaho State Department of Parks and Recreation website states Class 1 and 2 E-bikes and battery-driven wheelchairs are allowed on trails in Idaho. Thank you Parks & Recreation for providing such great access to the natural wonders of our beautiful state!

