Hayden to accept veteran nominations
HAYDEN — The city of Hayden’s Veterans Commission is accepting nominations to honor a local distinguished military veteran during the annual Hayden Veterans Day Ceremony on Nov. 11.
To nominate someone, applicants can submit a biography describing the highlights of the candidate’s military experience and subsequent continued service to the local community.
The veteran will be selected based on who best epitomizes the spirit of “Duty, Honor, Country” both during his or her tour of military service and in continued service to the Hayden community.
The honored veteran may be from any branch of the military, be male or female and have been enlisted, a warrant officer or a commissioned officer.
The chosen veteran must agree to participate in Hayden’s Veterans Ceremony, as well as the Hayden Days “Hometown Heroes/Military Appreciation” Parade on July 29 and the Hayden Lights Parade on Dec. 2.
Send or drop off a completed nomination to the city of Hayden Veterans Commission, ATTN: Distinguished Veteran Sub-Committee, 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden. Nominations must be received by Sept. 29.
Info: www.cityofhaydenid.us, koestreicher@cityofhaydenid.us or 208-209-1080.