Saturday, September 14, 2024

33 miles to heaven

Staff Writer | August 9, 2023 1:05 AM

COEUR d'ALENE — For more than 30 miles Saturday, Robbie Walden had a single focus: Save the lost.

That he was part of baptizing six people that same day in Lake Coeur d'Alene convinced him that he was on the right path.

About 100 adults and kids joined a walk that saw them take turns carrying a 50-pound wooden cross from Heart of the City Church to Higgens Point and then back to the church on Kathleen Avenue.

A few went the distance of 33 miles.

"It's a beautiful time together," Walden said.

One man at McEuen Park joined the group in the early morning hours. That same man was baptized at Independence Point later that day.

"That was pretty rad," Walden said. "It's divine, the Lord sets appointments up."

For the second year, much of their journey was on the North Idaho Centennial Trail. Along the way they prayed, stopped for a brief sermon and submerged new believers in the lake.

Walden, a leader at Heart of the City, is also with Christ Fit Gym, which may open soon its first location. The cross walk is a partnership between them.

"The whole point is to share the gospel," Walden said.

An Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient, Walden was shot in combat April 7, 2004. He recovered and later became a country singer.

Today, he and wife Yvonne are in ministry and cross walks are part of expressing their faith.

"It's one of the things we do out of obedience," he said.

Walden said he started doing cross walks more than a decade ago with old Army buddy Billy Weatherall. They still do 100-milers in Oklahoma and Louisiana.

His focus throughout the 33 miles is to change the community by bringing others to Christ.

"All we gotta do is put on our running shoes and come carry the cross," he said.



Robbie Walden raises his arms as he prays in Lake Coeur d'Alene at Independence Point during a break from a 33-mile cross walk on Saturday.