TRAFFIC CAMERAS: Growth issues need to be addressed
For the last couple of weeks there have been more than a few news articles, LTEs and My Turn columns addressing the installation of more traffic cameras in Kootenai County.
KMPO seems to think that with the coming increase in traffic, which will be the direct result of near unfettered growth in the housing market, they need to be aware of where the traffic problems will be and how to solve them. The place to monitor traffic congestion problems is in the offices of the planning and zoning commissions who seem to never fail to approve the latest and greatest housing developments. Whether they be houses, apartments or condos. What they seem to forget, or totally disregard, is that for nearly every housing unit they approve, they are putting at least two and maybe more vehicles into the local traffic pattern.
Growth is coming, I get it. New growth should not exceed our current infrastructure which includes law enforcement and fire department personnel.
Kootenai County