Friday, July 26, 2024

OPINION: Look closer at the KC Dems. We are fighting for you

by EVAN KOCH/More Perfect Union
| April 26, 2023 1:00 AM

Many in Kootenai County are watching in shock as their beloved community drifts toward something unrecognizable. As schools and libraries face uncertain futures, people are afraid, and feel as if they are powerless. They simply don’t know what to do.

We have seen Kootenai County Republican Central Committee puppets damage North Idaho College, the public health district, the public schools, the libraries, the county assessor’s office, and just about everything else they touch.

At the same time, the KCRCC has replaced personal responsibility and freedom with authoritarianism. Idaho’s overwhelmingly far-right government decides what you can read, who you can love and what teachers can teach.

Legislators regulate your health care decisions, family planning and educational opportunities — all in line with a very specific set of religious beliefs.

A recent cartoon caught my attention. You can see it by following the Kootenai County Democrats Facebook page. A police officer pulls over a family. With lights blaring he asks if the woman driving has “crossed the state line for an abortion, is in possession of any mifepristone, and is that a girly-looking boy in the backseat?”

The far right will soon be looking for “disagreeable” books on your front seat.

How did we get here? By blindly believing that the Republican party is the party of personal responsibility and limited government. They are not.

For Democrats and Republicans in Kootenai County, the impact has been severe. For many, the shock has turned to depression and anger. One prominent local leader wrote to me just this morning that they are “ANGRY (their capitalization).”

Two German-Americans living in Coeur d’Alene independently told me this place reminds them of their home country during the lead up to one party rule by the Nazis. They were very frightened.

What do we do?

Empowerment is the antidote to the anger, fear and depression we are experiencing courtesy of the far right. Once you connect with Kootenai Democrats, that feeling of empowerment is striking.

Kootenai County Democrats are a uniquely remarkable group of people. I’d highly suggest getting to know us. You will be surprised by what you find.

Despite what some GOP pundit might tell you, Kootenai County Democratic Central and Executive Committee members care deeply about our community. Our leadership team is invested in protecting the things that so many of you care about: education, our stunning environment, libraries and a community that values our children and grandchildren’s freedoms.

There are many easy, but powerful, ways for you to learn firsthand what a Kootenai County Democrat is fighting for.

Every Friday at noon, the KC Dems Club hosts a remarkable speaker via Zoom. This is an easy, low-pressure way to connect with people of varying perspectives on various issues. For more information, visit

You could have a chat with your local precinct captain. You can connect with them here ( Think of these people as your neighborhood politics concierge. Everyone is here to listen with an open mind to your questions and even voice your concerns up the chain, if you have them.

You could follow our Facebook page or sign up for our weekly newsletter (

Or, if you want to be more involved, join one of our remarkable committees. Currently, we have openings on our Candidate Recruitment & Support, Events Planning, and Communications Committees.

Kootenai County Democrats are working for you and the things you care about — you might be surprised by what you find when you do reach out.

Join us. Won’t you? That’s the only way we can build a More Perfect Union in Kootenai County.

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Evan Koch is chairman of the Kootenai County Democrats.