Tuesday, September 24, 2024

LIBRARY NETWORK ELECTION: Vote for Plass and Hanley

| April 23, 2023 1:00 AM

According to the Idaho Family Policy Center in a survey published in December 2022, 74% of Idaho voters believe public schools and community libraries should keep sexually-explicit materials away from children.

It seems blatantly obvious that society wouldn’t want those types of books for kids. Nevertheless, we have a recent statewide survey to confirm it. I’m not aware of a formal, local survey of this sort within Kootenai County, but I’ve lived in this area for several years and don’t know anyone who’d want kids exposed to the sordidness that’s gotten so out of control in our local libraries.

It’s sickening and saddening that there’s so much graphic input coming at kids from every angle — and at increasingly younger ages. True it’s parents’ responsibility to oversee what their kids see. And, that’s a heavy lift, for sure. But, as taxpayers, we also have a right to have input regarding what we want from our government institutions. Parents who want smut for their kids can do that on their own, not at taxpayer expense.

Trustee Meyer has been a long-term board member and these sordid books came in under her watch. Regina McCrea had six years to address this issue. The recent flurry of attempts is too little, too late. Why would a voter ask for more of the same at the May 16 vote? Our community’s kids deserve better. I’ll be voting for Tim Plass and Tom Hanley for trustees we can trust.

