Saturday, December 28, 2024

HITLER QUOTE: Freedom of Speech?

| April 2, 2023 1:00 AM

History, a fascinating subject. Unfortunately, the study of it seems to have been missed by a number of our citizens. Who said “those who forget history, are condemned to repeat it?” It was attributed to American philosopher George Santayana and is accurately quoted as “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Whether or not Hitler actually said “To Conquer A Nation First Disarm Its Citizens,” it has been attributed to him for decades. The quote has also been attributed to Goebbels. Most people agree they were both evil, evil men and neither their crimes nor their diatribes should ever be forgotten.

Also, most people who have studied history know two forms of government that remove free speech rights and remove weapons from most of their citizens are communism and fascism/nazism (not capitalized intentionally). So, Ms. Hoium, which party do you belong to? You appear not to want Breaking Bread Bistro to have the freedom of speech but you want to have your say…something’s not right here. So why would that particular message board be “unacceptable?” Guess you will be finding another bakery that more aligns with your beliefs. Me, I will now be a regular customer at Breaking Bread Bistro!


Coeur d’Alene