Friday, July 26, 2024

NIC trustee candidates finalized

Staff Writer | September 10, 2022 1:07 AM

COEUR d’ALENE — After several candidates withdrew from the race, six candidates will seek election to the North Idaho College board of trustees in November.

The positions up for election are those now held by Pete Broschet in Zone 5, John Goedde in Zone 2 and David Wold in Zone 1.

Broschet, Goedde and Wold were appointed in May to serve on the board until the Nov. 8 election, following the resignations of Michael Barnes, Ken Howard and Christie Wood.

Each would need to win the election in order to remain on the board. Broschet is the only appointee whose name will appear on the ballot.

Two candidates will square off in each zone. They are:

Trustee Zone 1:

• Ronald W. Hartman

• Tarie Zimmerman

Trustee Zone 2:

• Brad Corkill

• Diana L. Sheridan

Trustee Zone 5:

• Mike Waggoner

• Pete Broschet

Zone 1 includes the southwestern part of Kootenai County, on the west side of Lake Coeur d’Alene.

Zone 2 mostly covers the eastern side of the county, on the southern side of Lake Coeur d’Alene.

Zone 5 encompasses the northwestern part of the county, including Post Falls and Rathdrum.