Wednesday, October 09, 2024

PF trustee applicant reviews Monday

Staff Writer | September 8, 2022 1:00 AM

Five applicants seeking to fill a vacancy on the Post Falls School Board will be interviewed during a special meeting at 4 p.m. Monday.

The Zone 3 vacancy was created when former Trustee Bonnie Beaulieu resigned from the board Aug. 8 for personal reasons. She was first appointed to the board in 2011.

Zone 3 covers areas on the north, west and east sides of the Post Falls School District.

The successful applicant will be sworn in at the regular meeting Oct. 10.

The interviews will be held ahead of the regular 6 p.m. meeting of the board in River City Middle School, 1505 N. Fir St., Post Falls.

The applicants are:

• Lindsey Barber, Post Falls School District parent

"I have a vested interested in the success of our schools," reads Barber's letter of interest. "Serving on the board is one way I can take an active role in the continual improvement of our local public education system. Being involved at this level will not only help further my understanding of the challenges our district faces, it will provide a way for me to be part of the solution as we address those challenges."

• Jessica Anderson-Jameson, Post Falls School District parent

"I am passionate about students' education, physical and mental well-being and social success," reads Anderson-Jameson's letter of intent. "I want to be a part of the process of ensuring both students and parents have the best educational experience possible. I believe I represent Zone 3's traditional values and hope to serve my district by bringing those views to policy decisions.

"My family and I moved to Post Falls in August of 2020," the letter continues. "While we are relatively new to the area, we have family that have resided in the area for over a century, and we have been coming here for many years. As an active PFSD parent, I have supported school activities, fund drives and the booster club. I have also served the Post Falls community by volunteering as a poll worker for nearly every election since November 2020 at the library polling location."

• Harold (Gene) Engebretsen, Post Falls School District parent

"Upon moving into this community in August 2020, I have connected with the Post Falls High School by becoming familiar with the teachers and staff that are providing these awesome services to my student and other amazing students in the high school," Engebretsen's letter of intent states. "I love to serve our community and education is where I find the greatest abilities and ambitions of my development in my occupation to this date. I would like to be involved in the future and enhancement of our education as we work hard to create an academic environment for our children to prepare for a successful career as independent citizens."

• Sara Rodriquez, parent of a 2021 Post Falls School District graduate

"I supported fundraisers, actively participated in the Post Falls High School Booster Club and continue to hold a general board position and assist with booster activities," Rodriquez's letter of intent states. "I actively participated in the senior class parents group. I was an active member of the Post Falls Football Moms all four years, supporting the high school football teams. I have also been actively involved with the Post Falls Junior Tackle and Cheer program (2012-current). In 2020, I was one of the founding members of the Citizens for Post Falls Schools group and continue to participate with the group in support of our school district and most importantly the students.

"I believe this is a unique way for me to support our school district and students," her letter continues. "I am all about our schools and feel that I portray that in everything I do. Our students are the future and it is important to invest in and support them. I believe this whole-heartedly."

• Christi Fleischman, 20-year Post Falls resident, parent of a Post Falls School District student

"I believe if given the opportunity, every parent should be invested enough to step forward," Fleischman's letter states. "The health of our community is important to me and our children are our next generation of leaders and workforce. I also strongly support our teachers and look forward to the possibility of being a part of supporting their success. I think it is important to note: I am not applying for this position with any preconceived agendas or goals. I only have a willingness to serve my community in order for it and our district to prosper."