Friday, October 11, 2024

NIC ELECTION: Vote Hartman, Sheridan, Waggoner

| October 28, 2022 1:00 AM

The Coeur d’Alene Press had an article recently about NIC Trustee candidates Michael Waggoner, Diana Sheridan and Ronald Hartman who held a public forum answering questions from about 60 people. The main theme which I understand came out of this forum is that these three candidates expressed a desire to work with the current two trustees who have similar values as they do and were legitimately placed in office by the voters unlike the other three highly promoted candidates.

The two current elected trustees are being targeted by people who did not agree with their removal of the former NIC president. I am a graduate of NIC and I have a very dear friend whose opinion I trust very much who was on staff there under the former NIC president that totally agreed with the removal of the former NIC president. It would be good if voters would give a great amount of consideration in voting for Waggoner, Sheridan and Hartman in order to get NIC back to a harmonious working environment. Hopefully, they and the new NIC president can work together toward a common goal of doing what is best for NIC.


Coeur d’Alene