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Three candidates speak at Mica Flats Grange forum

Staff Writer | October 21, 2022 1:09 AM

Three chairs on the stage, but three chairs were missing.

Michael Waggoner, Diana Sheridan and Ronald Hartman fielded questions during the North Idaho College board of trustees candidate forum attended by about 60 people Wednesday evening at the Mica Flats Grange Hall.

Accreditation, repairing the college's reputation, Christian ideals and conservative values were themes discussed throughout the evening.

The candidates were asked how they will help create an atmosphere of cooperation and respect on the board and, if elected, how they will capitalize on each other’s strengths.

“We have two conservatives on there right now who have the same values we do,” Waggoner answered. “One of the problems in the past is there were two people who were not conservatives that have different values from the two conservatives who were elected and they’re on there today, so there was constant conflict. So if the three of us get on there, we have very similar values.”

He said he wouldn’t expect much conflict among the board if he, Hartman and Sheridan were elected.

“The three of us are slightly different, but very compatible,” Waggoner said, adding that he recently made the statement that he, Sheridan and Hartman are like plywood.

“We stick together. The grain, you know, goes across the other, so I’m trying to break it, unless the glue comes apart, which is our values, isn’t going to break,” he said. “It’s really amazing how well we already work together right now. You can have 100% confidence that we would be able to go in, work, be fair, treat people with dignity and respect and work as a team to enhance the college and work on any issues there.”

Hartman is running against Tarie Zimmerman for the Zone 1 seat. Sheridan is running against Brad Corkill for Zone 2. Waggoner is running against current Zone 5 Trustee Pete Broschet, who also serves as treasurer and secretary. Zimmerman, Corkill and Broschet were not present, having separately communicated with forum organizers that they had other commitments.

Corkill, president and owner of a lumber company, said he could not attend because of a sudden and unexpected business situation that demanded his attention. Zimmerman said she had already accepted two other invitations for the same evening. Broschet said he had a prior commitment to attend the Veteran to Aviation Charity’s annual convention, but sent a representative with information in his stead.

When asked about their main point of contention with their opponents, Hartman said it was the college’s threatened accreditation.

“They’re spreading bad information,” he said. “That’s our biggest difference.”

Waggoner agreed and said, “Same here.”

Sheridan said a disservice has been done by the portrayal of the school’s current status.

“To keep saying it is threatened makes it like a current event, and that’s not what I see when I look at the facts and the information that’s in front of us,” she said. “To have the community still thinking it’s not under control I think is a disservice.”

The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, an accrediting agency authorized by the U.S. Department of Education, placed NIC in warning status last spring.

In an April 1 letter to then NIC Interim President Michael Sebaaly, commission President Sonny Ramaswamy detailed the reasons for issuing the warning and stated that despite a written commitment the board made in May 2021 to correct issues of board governance, NIC still remained out of compliance.

The college, as of April, was found to be non-compliant, per Ramaswamy, with accreditation eligibility requirements “relating to the demonstration of high ethical standards in governance and management, including the NIC Board of Trustees’ responsibility to ensure integrity in its deliberations and actions, ethical treatment of stakeholders and constituents, adherence to institutional and Board policies, and adherence to conflict of interest policies.”

The warning could remain in place until next spring, when accreditors are scheduled to conduct their next onsite review.

Throughout this time, accreditors are also monitoring the college, requiring reports on every board of trustees meeting, including video recordings of the meetings, agendas and minutes.

When asked about involvement with NIC, Hartman, Sheridan and Waggoner all said they have not previously been active with any activities or committees at the college.



Diana Sheridan answers a question during the North Idaho College trustee candidate forum Thursday evening.