Sunday, September 22, 2024

Panhandle Health hosts drug take-back

| October 21, 2022 1:00 AM

Panhandle Health District is working to reduce the misuse of prescription medication in the Panhandle. To reach that goal, it's hosting a drug take-back from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 29 at the Panhandle Health District.

The health district is partnering with the sheriff’s department, recovery and community services to anonymously take any unused or unwanted drugs from the community.

"When medications are expired, unwanted or unused, it is important to dispose of them properly to avoid harm to others," according to the Panhandle Health District's website. "Excess medications can be accidentally ingested, stolen, abused or make their way to water systems."

The drug take-back is a nationally organized event organized twice a year. In April, 360 tons of drugs were recovered from 5,144 sites across the country.

People can also bring e-cigarettes, vaping pens or vapes into the drive through drop-off. The take-back is a free and safe way to dispose of unused or unwanted drugs.

As an alternative method to safely dispose of drugs, they can be mixed in an unpalatable material like coffee or cat litter, placed in a bag and thrown away. Dispose of containers separately with labels removed or obscured. Never flush unused pills down the toilet.

Kootenai County had an average of one opioid overdose per day in 2018, according to the Centers for Disease Control.