Friday, October 25, 2024

INFLATION: Biden’s fault; and there is no climate crisis

| October 19, 2022 1:00 AM

How does it feel to be a local Democrat and having President Biden punish you for being alive and wanting to use your car to go to the local supermarket to buy food?

Normal activity for most of us, yet, unless you live in a protective bubble, or unless you are a member of the democratic elite, inflation is ripping your life apart.

Inflation is a direct result of President Biden’s Executive Orders and Democrat’s spending. No, Trump didn’t do this, Joe Biden did this. And, of course, these politicians all deny what is directly in front of your eyes.

You would expect a little honesty when the president issues an Executive Order, but no. Beginning with EO 13990, the EO states, “The United States and the world face a climate crisis.”

This is false. There is no climate crisis. Investigate climate sensitivity and you will understand there is no climate crisis.

The only way possible for the IPCC models to indicate co2 is a problem is to make that assumption and the assumption of human cause before any modeling takes place. Without those assumptions, before research, the models simply collapse.

Apparently, Joe Biden and his administration believes you need to pay more for energy, food and everything else. Why? The “green” and ESG political factions amount to a religious belief. You are supposed to believe and they want more power and money so they make up science to suit their money making agendas. Dishonesty always fails.


Coeur d’Alene