Tuesday, October 08, 2024

ELECTIONS AFFECT ACCREDITATION: Vote for Broschet, Corkill, Zimmerman

| October 12, 2022 1:00 AM

On Sept. 28, NIC Trustee McKenzie asked NIC President Swayne, “Do you believe the election affects accreditation?”

President Swayne, elections do impact accreditation. NWCCU, the accreditation review organization, issued a sanction of warning on April 1, 2022. NWCCU Commissioners concluded NIC is out of compliance with governing board, governance and institutional integrity. The possible loss of accreditation is solely and completely due to elected Trustees Todd Banducci, Greg McKenzie and Michael Barnes. (Barnes resigned since he was not an Idaho resident.)

NWCCU cited, 14 times, governance by elected Trustees Banducci, McKenzie and Barnes not student performance, quality of the staff, quality of education or fiscal responsibility. Yes, Mr. McKenzie, elections do affect accreditation.

What other impacts from Banducci and McKenzie governance?

• Fired President MacLennan without cause. $500,000 settlement for wrongful termination.

• A costly exodus of good, quality college leadership and faculty.

• $750,000 cost increase for insurance since ICRMP did not renew NIC’s insurance policy due to risk directly related to the governance of NIC Trustees McKenzie and Banducci.

• Loss of $4 million to $6 million in donations to the NIC Foundation for scholarships to deserving students.

The November NIC Trustee election has a huge impact on the future of North Idaho College. We cannot allow the governance of Banducci and McKenzie to take over again. Elect three conservative, competent trustees who have the best interests of NIC and Community as their governance guidance. Elect Pete Broschet, Brad Corkill and Tarie Zimmerman.


Coeur d’Alene