Friday, October 11, 2024

MY TURN: Use common sense when voting

by BILL HAMILTON/Guest Opinion
| October 8, 2022 1:00 AM

We just received the mailer from the KCRCC touting their picks for our local elections on Nov. 8.

Of particular note is the endorsement of Phil Hart, a convicted tax cheat who still owes the state of Idaho thousands of dollars in back taxes, who stole state property when he illegally harvested timber from state lands with the lame excuse that he’s a resident of the state and therefore entitled to steal our resources, and then tried to hide behind his status as an elected member of the Idaho Legislature to prevent the government from properly charging and adjudicating his numerous offenses.

His home was taken because he stole its structure and tried to hide it and then illegally tried to transfer it to his daughter. The feds said not gonna happen. Didn’t, either. But, as Brent Regan likes to say, “It’s just common sense to endorse Phil Hart,” at least for the KCRCC. Really?

Next, is KCRCC’S endorsement of Bela Kovacs, whose greatest accomplishment since appointed to the office held by the late, and very competent and much respected Bob Houser — notably upon the recommendation of KCRCC to the Board of County Commissioners — having had his salary cut in half due to his incompetence and inability to manage his office staff.

This should have been clear prior to the primary election when virtually all of the assessor’s staff penned a letter to the county commissioners detailing a lack of confidence in his leadership abilities and his unwillingness to accept suggestions and assistance. Many staff have left the office. The publicity surrounding that letter, the loss of important and critical expertise due to his poor leadership, and his subsequent inability to meet deadlines and goals as defined by state law prove that he is not qualified for the position.

Now, he’s asked the county commissioners to approve a contract worth over $200K to hire an out-of-state firm to come in and perform the jobs that his previous staff was fully capable of performing, had they not left the job because of his incompetence. As Brent Regan likes to say, “It’s just common sense to vote for Bela Kovacs,” at least for the KCRCC. Really?

At least from my perspective, the KCRCC’s vaunted vetting & rating program is a huge pile of B---S--t and Brent Regan knows it. It’s just common sense.

Please vote for the write-in candidate, Bob Scott, who has years of experience and the support of the staff in the Assessor's Office. Who knows, he might get some of the folks who left to come back and shorten the contract with the out-of-state firm. It’s just common sense.

And while I’m at it, let’s vote for adult leadership of the NIC board of trustees. That means ignoring the KCRCC’s lame recommendations and Trustee Todd Banducci’s childish outbursts and disruptions. Why would you want to validate Trustee Banducci’s antics of the last couple of years?

Apparently, he’s a member of our nation's reserve armed forces and an officer to boot. I am a retired Army officer who served 30 years. I took the oath and I served with honor, but not once did I ever denigrate, insult, intimidate, harangue or threaten the assault of a colleague much less a subordinate or member of a support staff. If he were to conduct himself in the same manner when in the performance of his military duties, he would be subject to arrest and having charges levied against him. Apparently, he thinks he is above all of that because this is a civilian matter. Really?

Apparently, according to Trustee Banducci, civilians don’t deserve the same protections and respect that is demanded and accorded in a military setting? According to Brent Regan, "It’s just common sense.”

Finally, in an effort to inject “common sense” into Brent Regan’s skewed narrative, I heartily endorse Tarie Zimmerman, Brad Corkill and Pete Broschet for the positions of trustee of NIC. All people who are dedicated to the success of our local community college, our continued accreditation, re-instatement of insurance and resumption of fundraising depend on the “common sense” that is needed to shore up the foundations of NIC, community involvement and engagement that adds to our common future. In my opinion, “It’s just common sense.”

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Bill Hamilton is a Coeur d’Alene native.