Sunday, June 02, 2024

BEASTS: ‘Bump in the Night’

| November 9, 2022 1:00 AM

An old prayer says, “From ghoules and ghoosties, long-leggety beasties, and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!”

Beasts in our lives may be relatively harmless, such as a raccoon getting into our bird feeders at 2 a.m.

Other beasts can be very dangerous. For example, two women were separately killed by grizzly bears on the same night in Glacier National Park, Montana (1967).

Our ancestors have documented the times they lived, including dragons (dinosaurs) and giants (Nephilim). Scholars call these myths and discard that history?

Dinosaurs died fairly recently, because very fragile and short-lived cells, proteins, and flexible tissues are found worldwide in many dinosaur (2005) and trilobite-like fossils.

Native Americans and other global cultures mention large bipedal humanoid creatures (Sasquatch, Yeti, Yowie); but that and UFO information is censored. Governments and politicians want to control their citizens. Our history is manipulated.

It is the amateur who keeps us best informed!

However, cracks continue to develop in the godless paradigm of random chance developing extremely complex systems like DNA — infinitely greater informational content than scholars’ Ph.D. theses!

What is the use of high-tech phones, satellites and space probes, if the human race does not know its origins? The Book of Genesis provides that History!

The Antichrist — the greatest of Beasts — is to appear after Israel again becomes a nation (1948).

“Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast (666) …” Revelation 13:18.

