Community Thanks
Keep on Moving Health and Wellness Fair attendance doubles
The mission of the Coeur d'Alene Parkinson's Support Group is "Reaching out to our Parkinson’s community, their loved ones and caregivers, we commit to increasing awareness and understanding of the disease by providing hope, education and connection with others who are traveling the same path."
The officers and directors of the Cd’A Parkinson’s Support Group would like to thank the many community members and businesses that helped make our recent Keep on Moving Health and Wellness Fair a huge success. Through your efforts to help get the word out, it doubled the attendance over last year.
Our thanks to Devin Weeks at the Coeur d'Alene Press for her excellent article on Sept. 23 to let the community know about our Oct. 6 event. Quite a few people have called and said they heard about us from the Coeur d'Alene Press article.
We would like to also thank:
Hillary Main for her help on how to get our thanks out to the community.
Lindsay Cantrell, Peak CDA general manager and her staff for providing the location and setup for the event.
All of the Kootenai and Spokane neurologists and doctors who speak at our monthly meetings to keep us up to date with activities that have been proven to slow the progression of Parkinson's.
An extra big thanks to our presenters for taking the time out of their busy schedules to inform our members on innovative ways to exercise to slow the progression of Parkinson’s, increase the volume and clarity of our speech, and provide information on good nutrition.
Our Master of Ceremonies, Karin Duncan, N. MD. of CDA Healing Arts, did an excellent job again this year. A sincere thanks to her for bringing the whole program together.
A special thanks to the other presenters who also work with our members weekly. They are all highly recommended by our members.
Carla Carnegie, BAMC, Willow Song Music Therapy, who leads our Music and Wellness class on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of the month at the Elks Lodge on Prairie Avenue.
Wendy Keimer, BA, a personal trainer who leads a class, Seniors on Strength, every Tuesday at Peak CDA.
Narine Kadekian, a personal trainer who leads a class, Fight Back Against Parkinson’s (Balance, Mobility, & Agility,) at Peak CDA on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Ed Stafford, PT, who practices at Kootenai Health and uses techniques from LSVT Big & Loud and Balance, Gait and Parkinson’s.
Tyler Baxter, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC, CSCS, who customizes treatment programs for people with Parkinson's. Clinic Director OPTI Physical Therapy Shawn Moehring, PT, (McKenzie Diplomatically), who treats many physical difficulties that people with Parkinson’s struggle with. His business is called MAC Physical Therapy. He has offices in Coeur d’Alene, Hayden and Post Falls.
Our thanks also go out to these businesses that donated gift certificates for our door prizes: Applebee’s, Bardenay, The Coeur d'Alene Resort/Dockside, Chompers/Belle’s Brunch House, Cosmic Cowboy, Elmer’s, LePeep, MacKenzie River Grill, Mulligan’s, Best Western Plus Coeur d'Alene Inn, Olive Garden, Texas Roadhouse and Legends Assisted Living.
The Coeur d'Alene Parkinson’s Support Group thanks each of you for your generous support!
Coeur d'Alene Parkinson's Support Group
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The annual Friday Night Frights a big success
The city of Hayden Recreation & Community Events Department held its 3rd Annual Friday Night Frights Halloween Drive-Thru Trick or Treat on Oct. 28 at Hayden Meadows Elementary School.
To keep everyone as safe as possible, trick or treaters stayed in their vehicles to receive their treat, stations were decorated, and those handing out candy were dressed in fun Halloween costumes! Approximately 600 people drove through, 425 of those were kids.
Thank you to the following businesses and organizations who joined us for this fun night with our community: Kootenai County Sheriff's Department, Northern Lakes Fire District, Hayden Chamber of Commerce, Hayden Public Library, First Interstate Bank, P1FCU, TDS Fiber, Welch Comer, Numerica Credit Union, Flame & Cork, Wells Fargo, Revolution Mortgage, Wake Media, Prairie Animal Hospital, STCU, Northwell Medical Solutions, and City of Hayden Recreation & Community Events, Finance and Community Development Departments.
Thank you also to Super 1 Foods for its candy donation!
This is a wonderful, family event that continues to have great participation every year! For more information on next year’s event, please contact the Hayden Recreation & Community Events Department at 208-209-1080.