Friday, October 11, 2024

NIC ELECTION: Vote Broschet, Corkill and Zimmerman

| November 4, 2022 1:00 AM

Art Macomber’s My Turn column of Nov. 1, was disingenuous — to say the least.

Macomber describes looking at the accreditation documents and finds no reason for alarm. He doesn’t address the NWCCU’s recommendations or the fact that the two remaining elected trustees consistently tried to block NIC from taking any of the recommended actions, especially regarding hiring a new president as quickly as possible. It’s the refusal to take the recommended actions that are the cause for alarm, not the NWCCU’s actions. Macomber seems to purposely distract us from the real issue — the actions of KCRCC backed trustees.

More telling, having apparently pored over the documents, it completely escaped his attention — or he purposely chose to leave out — how many times those documents cite the decisions of then Board Chair Banducci as the reasons for NIC being out of compliance with accreditation standards.

If he failed to note how often the chair was named, he certainly wasn’t paying much attention and is less than knowledgeable or competent, OR he’s dishonest. Neither of those qualities should sway anyone’s vote.

Vote for Pete Broschet, Brad Corkill and Tarie Zimmerman for the NIC Board of Trustees. They have been endorsed by the Regional Chambers of Commerce, the CDA Police Association, Non-Partisan Doctors of CDA, the CDA Tribe and the CDA Press. In short — they are endorsed by our community.


Coeur d’Alene