Tuesday, October 08, 2024

ELECTIONS: Largest counties should report results first

| November 4, 2022 1:00 AM

Election integrity is an important topic for all of us. Simple things that assure the voting public the ballots are valid and tabulated correctly need constant evaluation and implementation. Knowing we have reliable results is reassuring that there was no cheating.

If you’ve been here awhile, you’ve noticed how Washington state always reports King County election results long after the rest of Washington has reported. There is always some excuse plus there are more people in the metro areas than rural areas. When the rest of the state has reported results, it’s then easy to know how many ballots are needed for the King County Democrats to manufacture. Is this true or not?

This same notion works for Oregon and Multnomah County and certainly other states dominated by a large metro area. It’s much easier when you know how many votes you need to manufacture the required quota.

This leads me to a new way to report election results. Results must be reported by the largest county first, proceeding down the population amount to the least populated county. This would eliminate the possibility for large metro areas to stuff the ballot.

This is a simple way to assist with election integrity.


Coeur d’Alene