Friday, October 11, 2024

NIC ELECTION: Vote Broschet, Corkill, Zimmerman

| November 2, 2022 1:00 AM

I have been registered as a Republican since I was 18. I served active duty in the U.S. military. I am conservative.

I am appalled by what has been transpiring at our NIC board meetings over the course of the past many months. I believe you must bear witness in person to truly understand how atrociously unbelievable Trustee Banducci and Trustee McKenzie behave.

A few of their behaviors that I have witnessed at board meetings include name calling, finger pointing, yelling, swearing at fellow board members, calling audience members names.

None of what they do is good for NIC or our community. Unfortunately for all of us, they both have two years left in their terms.

The only way to prevent Banducci from being chair and leading NIC on a path to destruction is to elect Broschet, Corkill and Zimmerman to the board. These three individuals together will lead NIC forward in a conservative adult manner.

