Saturday, October 05, 2024

Panhandle Patriots and Pride Alliance release statements

| May 14, 2022 1:00 AM

COEUR d’ALENE — The two groups planning events in downtown city parks on June 11 have each issued a statement about the situation detailed in a May 10 story in the Coeur d’Alene Press.

The groups’ statements are printed here, in full and unedited.

Panhandle Patriots RC press release

On June 11th, the Panhandle Patriots Riding Cub is scheduled to hold our 3rd annual Gun d’Alene event at McEuan Park. This event began as an organic community-driven response to the rioting and looting that was sweeping across the nation in the wake of the George Floyd Riots. Our community came together, peacefully, to take a stand against left-wing extremism because of the Christian values we hold dear to us here in North Idaho.

Our upcoming event takes place on the same day that an LGBT Pride event geared towards children will be hosted at the park. As Christians, parents, and members of one of the most conservative communities in the nation, we believe that our community needs to take a stand against this LGBT grooming agenda because that is not who we are as Idahoans.

It has come to our attention that the Media, various left-wing NGOs, and militant left-wing radicals are pushing for and instigating conflict at our June 11 event. It is the media’s goal to instigate a conflict, take photos of that conflict, and then produce media stories labeling our group and anyone associated with us as violent, racist, and hateful while ignoring the antics of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and LGBT extremists.

At time of writing, due to instigation from local media sources, our event has been hijacked by extremist groups. On the Left, we have seen evidence to suggest that Antifa radicals are planning on coming to disrupt our event to provoke violence. It has also come to our attention that a White Nationalist group called White Lives Matter is also planning to attend. While these two groups plan on causing violence, the media plans on using them to condemn and tarnish our peaceful group. Once the Panhandle Patriots have been smeared and tarnished, the media will then use our group as a vector of attack against conservative politicians and officials in our area.

We have seen this same situation play out over and over again, from Charlottesville to January 6. Events such as these were completely controlled by the Media and their allies in the Federal government and used against good, God-fearing conservatives as a bludgeon against all that is healthy and normal, to further their progressive agenda.

This is precisely why we, The Panhandle Patriots, are officially changing our event from Gun d’Alene, to North Idaho Day of Prayer. The event popularly known as Gun d’Alene will be moved to a later date that is yet to be determined.

While LGBT groups, with the help of the local media, continue to infiltrate our schools, children’s cartoons, Disney, and even local organizations here in North Idaho, all those who stand against them are branded as evil, by those same left-wing groups and institutions.

We are, and will always be, for God, His Word, and the natural order which He established on this earth, and protecting children should be, above all else, the single most important duty of any community, especially ours.

With all of this being established, we strongly encourage all God-fearing Idahoans to join us at McEuan Park on June 11, and 3:00 PM, to take a stand against the progressive left-wing, which is moving into Idaho, and into our schools and libraries, with intent on grooming our children and turning them into LGBT activists.

As always, the Panhandle Patriots are a Christian group that stands against violence in all its forms, and will not allow our event to be hijacked by extremists on either side of the political spectrum. We implore the Christian community to come together and show these LGBT groomers that North Idaho stands firmly against their sick agenda and that God still rules in the Panhandle.

With love,

The Panhandle Patriots

For the record: We have sent this press release to the following media institutions: CDA Press, Inlander, KHQ, KXLY, Idaho Dispatch, Idaho Statesman, VICE News, Spokesman-Review, Seattle Times, Idaho Capitol Sun, HREI, Idaho Ed News.

If these media institutions refuse to print this Press Release, which is designed to keep our community safe, it will confirm our suspicions, that they are instigating conflict in our community, and are looking forward to, and will benefit from such conflict.

North Idaho Pride Alliance Board of Directors statement

Law enforcement is aware of statements made about this summer's events. We are working to make north Idaho a more inclusive and happy place to live. We will continue to take steps to support public safety. North Idaho Pride Alliance will not be intimidated or deterred from organizing community events.

Our leadership strongly encourages the public NOT to engage with protestors they may encounter outside events or online. We ask that supportive community members and partners focus on promoting events with positivity for a successful Pride Month celebration.

Noncriminal hostile online content can be sent privately to or be reported on the Love Lives Here CDA reporting tool at Criminal threats should be directed immediately to law enforcement.

Our highest priority is to have a fun and safe event. We have confidence that strong early interventions and keeping law enforcement aware will ensure a successful Pride month and safety for all who choose to participate.

Information about our CDA4Pride events and how to best support us for a successful Pride Month can be found at or by visiting our Facebook page.

  • The North Idaho Pride Alliance Board of Directors & Staff